Showing posts with label potatoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label potatoes. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

black truffle french fries

There is a photo of this dish floating around the internet. I saw it. Then later could not locate it. So, I kind of made this up as simply as I could. I do happen to have a small container of black truffle oil. And I always have potatoes. Let's give it a go?

I did a little test this past Saturday evening. Served to the family. They completely ignored the roasted chicken and mashed potatoes I had actually made for dinner. Ate all of these fries and several of the Milano cookies!
I guess sometimes we just need to let it go and not freak out about trying to cover all the food groups during a meal, yes?

Let them have French Fries?! OKAY.

This recipe was created for 12 people.
I imagine you may have to adjust the amounts accordingly - or not...

you will need:

8 large Russet potatoes - scrubbed and dried (dry them - or the oil wont stick)
4 tablespoons black truffle oil (maybe more...a lot more...)
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese (again...maybe more...)
fresh Parsley for garnish

2 half sheet baking trays (again...this was for 12 people)

to do:

oven to 425

Wash the potatoes.
Slice into wedges.
Use a paper towel to pat everything dry the best you can then toss all the wedges into a big bowl.
Add the truffle oil and mix very well.
About a tablespoon of sea salt.
Half a tablespoon of pepper.
Mix again.
Lay half of the wedges onto a baking sheet. Try to make sure you have a single layer. If the pan is too crowded your potatoes will 'steam' instead of 'crisp'.
I had to do two trays of potatoes.

Bake at 425 for about 15 minutes.
CAREFULLY turn over as many as you can and rotate your tray.
Back into the oven for another 15 minutes or so - edges and some of the smaller pieces need to be brown and crispy.

As soon as the wedges are out of the oven add the grated Parmesan cheese.
Maybe a little more salt and pepper.
Garnish with the Parsley and serve.

Watch them disappear...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

twice baked potatoes

Well, December was that kind of month. That crazy prep for the Folsom Arts and Crafts show, then the dryer crashed, then the computer crashed, then my camera died-with 673 photos still on it, the back-up camera totally misbehaved - and is still, the car is doing whatever it's doing that now has me hoping every morning that it will start.....sigh.....sometimes life happens that way right? If it's going to go wrong it's probably all going to happen at once?

Anything good happen in December?
I had a fantastic birthday. Christmas was wonderful. New Years was perfect. Everyone in the family is healthy and happy and survived me!
There's a roof over our head and food on the table.
What else do we really need?

nothing at all....

I did cook a ton - really, I did - I am going to try to post some of the highlights and hope the computer doesn't crash in the middle of it like it has been doing. It's been a fun little game actually (grrrr.....)


I came to this country around the age of 4 with my mother. We are Korean. We eat rice - with everything. I don't really have any memories of potato dishes on the table. Then at 18, I left home for Ireland. Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes! Although the potato did not originate in this country it definitely found a home there - both in history and cuisine. I had no idea all the things that could be done with a potato, or how many varieties there are, or how many pounds I would put on that year! 
Most everything was completely delicious. Some things completely unnecessary. All of it was definitely an experience I will forever be grateful for.

This is my basic recipe for twice baked potatoes that I think I got from my friend LKB. To this recipe I have added bacon, fennel, shrimp, a variety of various cheeses, the options are pretty endless of what you can add to this so I hope you experiment and enjoy.


6 medium russet potatoes 
3 tablespoons of sour cream
packed 1/2 cup mexican blend cheese
1 1/2 tablespoons chives - finely chopped or dried is fine
2 sticks of butter (gasp...)
parmesan cheese


oven to 400.
wash the potatoes.
wrap in foil.
place onto baking sheet then into oven.
bake for 1 hour.
flip halfway through baking so you don't get that hard spot on the one side.

let cool for a few minutes.

oven down to 350.

chop all the butter 
put in a microwave safe dish.
cook for about a minute - or until it's all melted.
set aside.

using your sharpest knife slice off a little hat.

again with your sharpest knife, make an incision all around the skin - this will make it much easier for you to dig out all the insides.
insert a spoon right in the middle about a quarter of the way down then gently scoop out the flesh putting all of it into a large bowl.
keep scooping until the potato skin is hollow.
try not to crack the skin.

don't forget to scrape the little hats as well.

do this to each potato.
place all the shells back on a baking sheet.
set aside.

to the potato insides in the bowl add the sour cream, chives, butter (yes...all of it), cheese, salt and pepper.

mash and mix well.
i do this with a fork because i like the little lumps.
using a hand mixer works well and does give you a creamier consistency.
taste to check if more salt and pepper is needed.
add accordingly.

evenly fill all the skins.
grate parmesan cheese over the tops.
sprinkle more chives over the top.
the chives can be added after baking if you want.

into the oven for 30 to 40 minutes.
or until the tops are brown and crispy.

wait 5 or 10 minutes before serving - they will be very, very hot.