Showing posts with label cucumber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cucumber. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

cucumber roll things

Let me start by saying I made these. 
I made 13 of them to be exact.
As I was plating them my husband walked by and said "Oh my Gosh how adorable are those?"
Yes - they are absolutely adorable.
They are also now in the "someone has lost their damn mind" category!
They're tiny! One bite! I made thirteen and decided there had to be an easier way.
So I did these.
At which point the husband walked past AGAIN and said "Oh my gosh those are adorable too! But I thought you wanted easier? Isn't it as much trouble to cut out all those little circles? And your tying the cucumber slices???"

Thank you husband.....

Please go back to ESPN now.....

anyway......there really is no moral to this story.

This appetizer was delicious - the dinner guests for February dinner @Tate's gobbled them all right up. 
They are ridiculously cute on the little tiny serving platter aren't they?

I found the idea on Pinterest - 
here's a link.....


 1/2 block cream cheese - room temperature
2 tablespoons crumbled Feta cheese
2 tablespoons plain Greek yogurt
2 or 3 tablespoons sun-dried tomatoes - julienned
1 tablespoon chopped fresh Dill - plus more stems for rolling
1 large cucumber


slice the cucumbers very thinly.
i used my potato peeler since my mandolin is so temperamental.
leave a little skin - they're prettier that way.

lay the slices out on paper towels on a large baking sheet.
sprinkle a bit of salt all over them.
set aside for 15 or 20 minutes and let the salt do it's thing.

in a bowl - mix together the cream cheese, Feta, yogurt, tomatoes and dill.
add salt and pepper to taste.

blot the cucumber slices to dry.

add a teaspoon or so of cheese mixture to one end of a cucumber slice.
lay a stem of fresh dill on top of the cheese mixture.
roll up until closed then secure with a toothpick if needed


13 times.

decide you've lost your damn mind.

then using a cookie cutter - gather a bunch of circles from slices of Dill Rye bread.
(i love this bread)
spread a tablespoon or so of the cheese mixture on each little round of bread.
using all those slices of cucumber that were too skinny to make into the lovely roll - carefully tie each one into a little knot.
gently place atop the cheese mixture.
garnish with a stem of fresh dill.
garnish with fresh black pepper.
watch them disappear!

Friday, March 1, 2013

dinner @Tate's / february 2013

Well, 2013 is starting off with a bang for our monthly dinners! The February dinner table was full, menu turned out terrific, everyone had a fantastic evening. And as usual, the latest issue of Food and Wine was the inspiration. Nothing like completely revamping a menu just because you received a new magazine right? Sure it's the last minute. I'm not worried. I can do this.


I need to stop doing that.

Anyway, here's what I served:

Straight off of Pinterest came these little Cucumber roll appetizers.
These will actually be filed under "who in their right mind has this kind of time"??? Although they are absolutely delicious and even more adorable when all lined up on a little serving plate - they probably won't ever make an appearance again (seriously? who has this kind of time???)
So in order to maintain my sanity, I decided to change it up a little bit and serve this appetizer two ways. The second version was much more user friendly and did wonders for my psyche. I did roll maybe a dozen of the little bites above before deciding to use the toast.
Here's the second version,
Not even really sure what to call these. I guess calling them 'cucumber bites' will do - for now.

After the cucumber craziness was a little puff pastry bite with a creamy Brie and chive spread.
(photo? what photo?)

This little salad came next. Roasted carrot and avocado with a spicy citrus dressing. 
Main course was spiced chicken with a coconut caramel sauce and a fresh pineapple and grapefruit salsa. March issue of Food and Wine - make this!
Served the above with chive and parsley mashed potatoes and bacon wrapped asparagus (again - photo?)

Finally dessert!
There were lemon cheesecake bars with lemon curd and confectioners sugar.
Coconut macaroons.
Then a dark chocolate mousse served with a raspberry coulis and fresh berries.

You think everyone was full?
I think so.

I will get recipes for most of the dishes up on this blog soon.

stay tuned.....